Monday, October 8, 2007

The War for Arcadia finds a new home

So it looks like this will be the new home of The War for Arcadia. Originally I had my own website, then I changed the format to modernize it a bit, and now I think I need another change. Most of the updates to The War for Arcadia were the battle reports, which were, after all, its reason for being. When I changed the format of the website, I had intended on several related pages, including a gallery of my miniatures, some gaming and terrain-making articles, etc. As real life and other projects caused long gaps between battle reports, I got various posts to my message board, etc., asking if the site was still alive, etc.

With a blog, however, I can update it more often with news on what I'm working on, without strict updates to the website. The content will slowly be migrating over time, and hopefully I will be able to provide more updates than have been usual with the old format. Stay tuned.

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