The camouflage pattern is based on Crye Precision's "Multicam" pattern:

The pattern is basically made up of six colors: The first layer is Gretchin Green blending into Knarloc Green. Superimposed over that is a layer of Kommando Khaki blending into Khemri Brown. Finally the pattern is dotted with small marks of Charadon Granite and Bleached Bone.

Soldiers wearing Multicam while demonstrating Future Force Warrior project. Ft. Bliss, Texas.
I painted the body armor Kommando Khaki to provide some contrast to camouflage itself. All in all I'm rather pleased with the results. If I end up getting more Stormtroopers down the line, I may try out a squad with the body armor painted in the camouflage scheme as well.
Nice camo pattern. I'm afraid that without close up inspection, it may be a little too subtle? Looks great in the pics for sure though!
Hey, that is great looking uniform. I see what Inner G means but you know it's there, and now so do we. I like the Bleached Bone armour plates, tones the whole thing down and keeps a 'mini' aspect to a real world camo.
Great stuff, and I'm going to look up whatever the hell those Rangers are playing with in that photo, now...
Did the colours get slightly bleached in the pics?
- Drax.
I love decent camo on Guard minis.
Thanks for the comments, everyone.
@Inner Geek: Yeah, it is a bit subtle, but I like the result, so if I can put up with painting it, then I may stick with it.
@Siph: I do like how the armor plates came out--although I may try out painting them Gretchin Green to see how that works out.
@Drax: I don't think the colors got bleached, it came out pretty much as it looks, I think.
As for the ranger playing Xbox, I think he's marking troop positions/movements on a map. Using a console controller like that has it's advantages: the soldier probably already knows how to use that kind of controller, so it takes minimal training; it gets the job done; and the controllers are already widely available and cheap!
Gah! THIS is what I've been looking for! I've been a fan of Multicam since the Army was first looking for a replacement camo for the Woodland/DCU. Instead of Multicam, we got the "universal" ACU pattern (Grumble, grumble...)
I love the look of Multicam, but in my few attempts at making "realistic" camo schemes for my IG, my troops come out looking rather, well, underwhelming. My friends seem to like what I've got, but I'm holding off painting the rest of my troops until I've nailed down the right look. And that Storm Trooper looks amazing!
I was thinking of going for a darker armor, closer to the "coyote brown/tan" that operators (Or typically air-softers) often use with the Crye's uniform. But I wonder if that would make for too little contrast.
Also, I was considering painting the camouflage on the helmet in addition to the uniform, and your model has absolutley cemented it.
Anyhoo, thanks for the inspiration, and great job once again. Thanks!
"I was thinking of going for a darker armor, closer to the "coyote brown/tan" that operators (Or typically air-softers) often use with the Crye's uniform. But I wonder if that would make for too little contrast."
@Ben: Thanks! I actually tried that on one of the models. In a subsequent post I painted one of the stormtroopers with armor in Desert Yellow, toned down with a wash of Devlan Mud to simulate Coyote Tan. He's the second one from the left in picture:
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