
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Earthshaker Platform

Almost a decade ago I was working on a large scenery piece for a battle I wanted to do, taking place in the frigid wastes of Arcadia Prime's south polar region. You can see the battle report of it here: The Attack on Comm Relay South. Part of the scenery was to be an Imperial base covered in snow. One of the major weapons at this base was to be an Earthshaker platform. Not needing an entire Basilisk kit, I just purchased the Earthshaker sprue, not getting the chimera chassis.

I had the small battle, and all too soon changing priorities and battle ideas relegated the Earthshaker to the bitz box. I'd always intended to build a platform for it and bring it back to the battlefield as an emplacement, but had never gotten around to it. No more! I grabbed my pile of plasticard and whipped up a quick platorm. The Earthshaker does not have a crew as yet to operate it, but that's just a technicality.

Either way, I will be fielding it for an upcoming battle, ready to dish out some hurt to the enemies of the Imperium.


  1. Very cool. That would be great for Planetstrike.

  2. Agreed - the Earthshaker would also make a great centerpiece for APOC battles...

    On a remake of morkandy beach?

  3. Don't worry, it's slated to make an appearance soon...

  4. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  5. What a great resource!
