
Monday, June 22, 2015

Boston Spartan Super 2015

June 20, 2015
In the days before this race I was somewhat apprehensive--although there were to be no hills, it was the first race I would be doing entirely alone. I did most of last year’s Spartan Sprint alone, since Ben was late, and then had to rush to meet his son, perforce having to leave me behind (I told him to go on ahead), he was there with me for a short while.  Both Bonefrog and Tough Mudder I did with John et al.  There would be the New England Spahtens to run with, but without any identifying gear on, I didn’t really feel “part” of them despite running with them. Essentially, I would be running this race alone.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Tough Mudder New England 2015

June 7, 2015
After having done the Bone Frog three weeks ago, I was not nervous about the Tough Mudder.  The distance was the same, but far fewer obstacles and those didn’t seem as difficult--many were teamwork based, while others were more “mental grit” obstacles rather than physically demanding.  Ultimately, the biggest punishment was the mountain itself.