
Monday, August 17, 2009

Command Vehicle Chimera Conversion, Part 3

Originally I intended on just gluing on the rear ramp, but after some thought I decided that since this is my regiment's command vehicle, it deserves to get some extra attention. So now I have to build an interior.I took a piece from a Rhino interior to act as computer screens, etc., and used plasticard to make some of the interior walls.
I used a set of ammo crates from the Predator sprues--normally you attach it to the rear of a predator's turret, I decided to use it as some under-seat storage. Of course, I glued it in place and then realized that I wouldn't be able to close the rear hatch, so I had to carve out part of the hatch to compensate.


  1. I like the use of the russ hatches for the internal stowage.

    Are you using a bits supplier or do you just have a plastic bits mountain that you can pick parts from?

  2. I just have a mountain of bits. When you've been amassing miniatures for over 20 years, your bits mountain gets pretty big! :)

  3. It's coming together well Darkwing! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product. I'd love to do a command transport myself; that extra little boost to the command radius could be very useful... ;)

  4. There's nothing quite as pleasurable as fishing in your bits boxes for 'one last little shovel which will allow me to...'

    Take me back to halcion days building the Millenium Falcon or 'Mask' toys from LEGO...

    Command Chug looks great. Nice plasticard work fella.
