I freely admit that I've shamelessly copied US camouflage patterns for my Imperial Guard...

Left to right: US Woodland Camouflage, Desert MARPAT, ACUPAT, Woodland MARPAT. Or at least, facsimiles thereof.

When I first made an Imperial Guard army, I started out with the basic woodland camouflage, but with the main color being snot green to make the models less drab than they would be ordinarily--and in any case, Catachan Green wasn't yet available. When the US Armed Forces started switching to the various camouflage patterns, I liked the desert pattern used by the US Marines, so I did an entire platoon in those colors. For future guardsmen, I thought about doing a "newer" paint scheme, so I tried out the US Army's "universal" pattern on a couple miniatures. Most recently I did a test miniature of the US Marines digital woodland pattern, and I like the results a lot.

So I'm a little torn now. Do I paint up future guardsman in the universal camo pattern (second from right) or the digital woodland pattern (far right). What do you guys think? (See poll at right)
I like the Desert MARPAT the most of the bunch, although they all look great. If it was a toss up between the two you listed, I'd lean towards the Woodland MARPAT myself. Where did the third lasgun from the left come from?
ReplyDeleteThe lasgun is a a Forgeworld Elysian pattern las-carbine from the "Elysian Weapon Pack".
ReplyDeleteI do love these guys!
ReplyDelete[forgot email comments]
ReplyDeleteI like bith the woodland schemes. I would like ACUPAT if the Armor had a contrasting color - right now it has "too" much of the same color. I know it is realistic but I think it needs a color to break it up a little bit.
ReplyDeleteI think you've done an amazing job with the ACUPAT, and would vote for it, but I agree with rustynail's point - there's too much of the same color (in other words, it's too realistic). I would suggest maybe putting a solid complementary color on the flak armor and see how it looks then.
ReplyDeleteI like the desert and woodland MARPAT. Wearing deserts at the moment myself...
ReplyDeleteThink you can write up a tutorial for how to paint it?
@rustynail/Techpriest: I know what you mean about the ACUPAT. I have a few test minis done with black/dark grey armor, but they don't quite contrast enough. The only other colors I could probably get away with for the armor are Catachan Green or maybe Desert Yellow.
ReplyDeleteBut since the consensus seems to like the woodland marpat (as do I), I think I'm going to go with that.
@Anon: Re: a tutorial, I'll see what I can do!
Terrific job on all of them. Your level of detail is inspiring. Of the four, I'd go with the Woodland MARPAT. Great effect, and the armor color adds good contrast.
ReplyDeleteI'd be interested to see the ACUPAT with the armor painted with the same blue-gray, but without the light gray mottle. That may add the contrast to make it more table friendly.
If you have time I would like a ACUPAT tutorial.
ReplyDeleteMy modern TAG figs would love you.